
采编:王林  来源:互联网  发布时间:2021-08-12 08:17:54 

中新网北京8月7日电 (蒋鲤)拜登在竞选时曾抨击特朗普政府的疫情政治化操弄,他表示病毒不是政治武器,然而拜登政府上台后,却并没有放弃病毒政治化手段,甚至大搞 情报溯源 ,向世卫组织施压,再三企图从中国 挖掘 出新冠病毒的源头。

美国政府在溯源问题上的过度 努力 ,使正常的科学溯源变了味儿,加之国内疫情应对不力, 超级大国 在国际舞台上早已颜面尽失,形象尽毁。




国际社会对这一切充满疑问,但美国政府没有给出解释。相反,在国内疫情一塌糊涂时,却频繁给中国 泼脏水 ,将溯源问题政治化,其目的早已超出溯源范围。这种与科学背道而驰的做法让人不禁想问,美国在害怕什么?在试图隐瞒什么?是想炮制什么样的 真相 ?

新冠肺炎全球大流行,像一面照妖镜,照出了 超级大国 自私丑陋的一面。美国在应对全球疫情上所发挥的作用实在有限,没有展现出大国担当。国内更是因为新冠疫情经济衰退,失业率高居不下,种族歧视造成社会分裂加剧等等。


What is the U.S. afraid of? What kind of truth does it try to make up?

By John Lee

(ECNS) -- U.S. President Joe Biden once criticized his predecessor Donald Trump for politicizing COVID-19 and urged lawmakers to not use the deadly virus as a political weapon. However, the incumbent president doesn t give up politicizing the pandemic. He has not only turned to the Intelligence Community to investigate the pandemic origin but also put pressure on the World Health Organization (WHO), trying to place the origin in China.

The U.S. excessive efforts on origin tracing has distorted this scientific issue while its failure to curb the surging COVID-19 cases has ruined its international image.

According The Palm Beach Post and Miami Herald, Florida removed data from the Department of Health website that showed 171 patients had coronavirus symptoms or positive test results in January and February. Later, Florida s Department of Health found that the deletion caused a gap in the serial number of cases and had to restore the data. Does the removal of data reveal its well-managed epidemic response or is a way to blame others through destroying evidence on early cases?

In fact, it is the U.S that has been acting suspicious on origin tracing. Its first COVID-19 case was found earlier than the first officially-confirmed cases. A study conducted by University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) suggested that COVID-19 may have appeared in L.A. as early as December 2019. The Wall Street Journal also revealed COVID-19 likely hit in the U.S. in Mid-December 2019 by using a CDC scientist report.

Why does the country attempt to cover up its early cases?

Despite being questioned by the world, it still keeps silent. What s more, the country has been keeping defiling China and trying to politicize origin tracing. People can t help asking, what is the U.S. afraid of? What is the country trying to hide? What kind of truth does the country try to make up?

The superpower has played a limited role and been selfish in the global fight against COVID-19. It has also been plagued by an economy in recess, high unemployment rates, racist social division and so on during the pandemic.

Honestly speaking, its superpower image has long been destroyed. The country now has no choice but to give up politicizing origin tracing and targeting others, and to focus on controlling its domestic epidemic and improving people s well-being.


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